Portable communications device, Mobile phone, Material property, Telephony, Gadget

Featured Guests

Dave Theno | LarryKeener | Lone Jespersen
Steve Taylor | John Spink | Joe Corby
Scott Brooks | Ben Chapman | Bill Sperber
Mike Taylor | Patricia Wester | David Acheson
Darin Detwiler | Hal King | Will Daniels
Lee-Ann Jaykus | MikeCramer | Jorge Hernandez
Melanie Newman | Bill Marler | Kathy Gombas
Mike Robach | Bob Brackett | Sean Leighton
Dane Bernard | Frank Yiannas | Maple Leaf Foods
Shawn Stevens | John Butts | Keith Warriner
Maria Lapinski | Chris Elliott | Sara Mortimer
Joe Stout | Samuel Godfroy | Jeremy Zenlea
Craig Wilson | Jeff Farber | Bob Powitz
Joan Menke-Schaenzer | Cindy Jiang
Oscar Garrison | EFSA | Sanjay Gummalla
Lan Lam | Jennifer McEntire | Bob Whitaker
Steve Mandernach | Ernie Julian | Stacey Popham
Bob Norton | Soren Rodning | Jason Sawyer
Alex Tigue | Bryan Hitchcock | John Keogh
C.J. Unis | Marie Tanner | Neil Coole
Bob Gravani | Randy Huffman | Hugo Gutierrez
Tamara Mullin

Featured Guests

Dave Theno | LarryKeener | Lone Jespersen | Steve Taylor | John Spink | Joe Corby
Scott Brooks | Ben Chapman | Bill Sperber | Mike Taylor | Patricia Wester | David Acheson
Darin Detwiler | Hal King | Will Daniels | Lee-Ann Jaykus | MikeCramer | Jorge Hernandez
Melanie Newman | Bill Marler | Kathy Gombas | Mike Robach | Bob Brackett | Sean Leighton
Dane Bernard | Frank Yiannas | Maple Leaf Foods | Shawn Stevens | John Butts
Keith Warriner | Maria Lapinski | Chris Elliott | Sara Mortimer | Joe Stout | Samuel Godfroy
Jeremy Zenlea | Craig Wilson | Jeff Farber | Bob Powitz | Joan Menke-Schaenzer
Cindy Jiang | Oscar Garrison | EFSA | Sanjay Gummalla | Lan Lam | Jennifer McEntire
Bob Whitaker | Steve Mandernach | Ernie Julian | Stacey Popham | Bob Norton
Soren Rodning | Jason Sawyer | Alex Tigue | Bryan Hitchcock | John Keogh | C.J. Unis
Marie Tanner | Neil Coole | Bob Gravani | Randy Huffman | Hugo Gutierrez | Tamara Mullin

Recent Episodes

Ep. 111. Jennifer McEntire: IFPA—The New Voice of Produce

Ep. 110. 2021 Year in Review

Ep. 109. Mark Wittrock: Predictive Preparedness at DHS

Ep. 108. STOP Foodborne Illness and AFDO: Joining Forces on Recall Modernization

Ep. 107. Kerry Bridges: "Everyone is talking about food safety."

Ep. 106. Dr. Brittany Campbell: What's Bugging Your Facility?

Ep. 105. Jespersen, Walsh: Global Food Safety Culture Series: Lessons Learned

Ep. 104. Bonnie McCafferty: Food Safety Needs to Be a Business Model

The Podcast for Food Safety Professionals

Produced by the Food Safety Magazine editorial team—the leading media brand in food safety for over 20 years. Each episode features news and trends, or another surprise segment, followed by a conversation with a food safety professional who shares their experiences and insights about the important job of safeguarding the world’s food supply.

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