Expanding Our Digital Learning Opportunities in 2024
If you've attended any Food Safety Magazine webinars that I've moderated over the past couple of years, then you've probably heard my end-of-event reminder (possibly several times!) about completing our post-webinar survey. These surveys give attendees the chance to share feedback on the event and let our team know what topics and concepts you'd like to hear about in future webinars. I always tell attendees, "We look forward to hearing how to make our programs work better for you," and I mean it sincerely.
We comb through every single comment and suggestion we receive from you, and we carefully consider your topic requests as we plan our webinar programs. In fact, your repeat requests for more information on allergens was how our Q4 2023 allergen webinar series came about. These two webinars—which you can still register to watch on demand (Part 1: Food Manufacturing and Part 2: Retail Foodservice)—saw our second- and third-highest registrations for all of 2023. This shows just how valuable your feedback is to the success of our webinar program. We want to bring the most timely and engaging information from the most knowledgeable experts to you, to give you actionable insights that you can apply in your work.

“Our webinar program is expanding in 2024 to include at least one editorial webinar per month, in addition to special-topic webinars presented by industry solutions providers.”

You've also asked for more webinars—and we've listened! Our webinar program is expanding in 2024 to include at least one editorial webinar per month, in addition to special-topic webinars presented by industry solutions providers. We highly value your feedback on topics for our editorial webinars, so please keep sharing your insights on our post-event surveys.
If you'd like to share an idea for a webinar topic or speaker with us outside of the survey, please drop me a note at blumea@bnpmedia.com. And if you'd like to reach our webinar manager about any technical questions related to our webinar platform, please send a message to webinars@bnpmedia.com.
We're looking forward to bringing you a rich, varied, and info-packed webinar program in 2024 that incorporates a number of your recent topic requests, and we'll be keeping an eye on your survey feedback from each event. Make sure to check our webinar page for updated information on upcoming and new events.
Thanks for your engagement with our webinar programs, and for sharing your insights on what you'd like to see in the future. Cheers to a fabulous year of learning ahead!
Adrienne Blume, Editorial Director

- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Adoption of the FDA Food Code by State and Territorial Agencies Responsible for the Oversight of Restaurants and/or Retail Food Stores." 2021. https://www.fda.gov/media/107543/download.